大學的"好老師"、"好制度"知多少?Henry Rosovsky (~2022,大學課程與區域研究".).....兩校的"社會資源發展委員會" 一瞥; 捐款芳名錄 vs 中原之柱。學長、企導;學校作為試驗場




會後企導與學生一同用餐,疫情稍稍趨緩大家邊吃邊聊,系上也準備了簡單的禮物,感謝各位企導這些日子的協助。宋建宏學長提醒大家一定要加強英文能力,並用鴻海的一句話勉勵大家”毅力戰勝一切,智慧天下無雙”,找出自己的優勢和差異化。盛珮雯學姊則是介紹他任職的生技產業,從事有關專利工作,提供學弟妹不同行業的參考。黃偉博學長則說人生如戲,你的每一步都有它的原因,不會是浪費。傅進興學長鼓勵學生未來工作時要懂得向上司、廠商、同梯同事找資源來解決問題,要相信自己是最優秀的。侯耀明學長則是用BASF的核心價值”CORE”, Creativity、Open、Responsibility、Entrepreneurship勉勵同學。


Henry Rosovsky, Former Harvard FAS Dean, Remembered for Contributions to Undergrad Education and African American Studies

Rosovsky created Harvard College's Core Curriculum and founded Harvard's Center for Jewish Studies.
Rosovsky created Harvard College's Core Curriculum and founded Harvard's Center for Jewish Studies. By Courtesy of The Harvard Crimson Archives
By Marina Qu, Crimson Staff Writer

In 1978, Henry Rosovsky was on a mission. Then the dean of Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences and an economics professor, Rosovsky wanted to revolutionize the way Harvard taught its undergraduates. He drove the creation of the College’s Core Curriculum and the modern-day Department of African and African American Studies. Determined to see this transformation through, Rosovsky even rejected offers to become the president of Yale University and the University of Chicago.

Rosovsky, who served as the dean of the FAS from 1973 to 1984, died on Nov. 11 in his home in Cambridge.

He joined Harvard as a professor of economics from 1965 to 1996, became acting University President in 1984 and 1987, and served on the Harvard Corporation in 1984. As the first Jewish dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Rosovsky founded Harvard's Center for Jewish Studies in 1978. Harvard Hillel named its building Rosovsky Hall in his honor in 1994.

Harvard University President Lawrence S. Bacow described Rosovsky as “one of the foremost figures in academia.”

“An exceptional scholar of Japan and its economy, he was deeply respected by faculty and colleagues, and he had a unique perspective on Harvard, serving as dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, as a member of the Harvard Corporation, and as acting president,” Bacow told the Harvard Gazette, a University publication.