2020年2月19日 星期三
Coronavirus exposes western universities’ reliance on China
Travel bans to contain the coronavirus outbreak threaten multibillion-dollar losses for universities in Australia, the US and New Zealand that rely on income from Chinese students.
Travel bans prevent students from starting courses and squeeze college funding
Coronavirus exposes western universities’ reliance on China
2020年2月13日 星期四
Rebranding/改運: 改學院名系名的故事集
"Aiming to paint a fuller picture of their scopes, two Yale institutions — the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and the Department of Geology & Geophysics — will change their names this July.
According to a press release on Saturday, the Yale Corporation and University President Peter Salovey voted to change the name of FES to the Yale School of the Environment, a change that will become official on July 1. Two days later, Dean of ⋯⋯
"Aiming to paint a fuller picture of their scopes, two Yale institutions — the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and the Department of Geology & Geophysics — will change their names this July.
According to a press release on Saturday, the Yale Corporation and University President Peter Salovey voted to change the name of FES to the Yale School of the Environment, a change that will become official on July 1. Two days later, Dean of ⋯⋯
改名、改級別 2014
我所不知道的耶魯神學院The Yale Divinity School
也許是2018~2019年,我在Facebook 讀到 孫康宜院士允諾將她的日記都捐給耶魯神學院的圖書館。
今天在Yale Daily News讀到該學院得到最大的捐款。
就讀讀Wikipedia 的介紹。
耶魯神學院 | |
| |
創建時間 | 1822年 |
學校類型 | 私立 |
院長 | 葛里高利·E·斯特林(Gregory E. Sterling) |
教師人數 | 36[1] |
學生人數 | 392[2] |
校址 | 美國康乃狄克州紐哈芬市 座標:41°19′24″N 72°55′17″W |
網站 | divinity |
UNIVERSITY |"The Yale Divinity School has received $15 million to help fund a sustainable residential complex — among the largest gifts ever bequeathed to a divinity school and the largest in the school’s history.
This past weekend, Dean Greg Sterling announced the donation from George and Carol Bauer, who have been close to the Divinity School community since the 1990s despite not having educational ties to Yale. George Bauer has served on the Dean’s Advisory Council, and Carol Bauer has worked extensively with the school’s career vocational training."
John Besche reports.
Harvard and Yale accused of failing to report millions in foreign gifts. DOE to investigate Yale’s foreign funding disclosure
Harvard and Yale accused of failing to report millions in foreign gifts
Yale Daily News
UNIVERSITY | "The Department of Education will investigate Yale, along with other institutions of higher education across the country, for allegedly failing to report billions of dollars in foreign funding.
The universities, including Yale and Harvard, allegedly failed to report at least $6.5 billion in foreign funding from nations such as China, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, according to documents of the department reviewed by the Wall Street Journal. On Feb. 11, the Education Department sent a letter to University President Peter Salovey requesting records on contributions totaling $375 million from foreign governments. The letter also asked Yale to disclose details of foreign funding used to develop the new Jackson School of Global Affairs and Yale Law School’s Paul Tsai China Center."
Valerie Pavilonis & Olivia Tucker report.
| DOE to investigate Yale’s foreign funding disclosure Valerie Pavilonis DOE to investigate Yale’s foreign funding disclosure Valerie Pavilonis & Olivia Tucker Staff Reporters Lucas Holter The Department of Education will investigate Yale, along with other institutions of higher education...
DOE to investigate Yale’s foreign funding disclosure
2020年2月12日 星期三
How an art historian is using fine art to strengthen perception skills among NYPD and FBI officers.
How an art historian is using fine art to strengthen perception skills among NYPD and FBI officers. Via Artsy.
2020年2月10日 星期一
主持大學教育者,......更須要有獨立的人格與清操,...... 臺靜農先生的{粹然儒者}寫臺大前校長傅斯年、錢思亮 (重點)
主持大學教育者,固然要有卓越的學識,更須要有獨立的人格與清操,才能負得起大學教育的使命。......." -----臺靜農先生的{粹然儒者}1983
臺靜農先生的{粹然儒者}寫臺大前校長傅斯年、錢思亮 (重點)......胡先生與趙太太談話最多,一是風趣,一是豪快.....紀念郵票
寫臺大前校長傅斯年、錢思亮 (重點)的好文章,參考臺靜農先生的{粹然儒者} (1983)。
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