6 時間前 - Two researchers have cut ties with MIT Media Lab over its connections to Jeffrey Epstein, the multimillionaire sex offender who died of an apparent suicide earlier this month while awaiting federal charges for the sex trafficking ...
2019年8月22日 星期四
2 top researchers quitting MIT Media Lab over Epstein ties
Two figures at MIT's Media Lab say they plan to leave after news surfaced of the prestigious institution's ties to Jeffrey Epstein.
研究顯示社交媒體損害青少年心理健康Anxiety on rise among the young in social media age
2019/02/05 - YouGov survey shows 18% of young people in UK do not think life is worth living. ... 'You will have an emotional reboot': the ultimate guide to stress at every age ... A third of people said being on social media makes them feel like they can have a voice for their generation and influence positive change, and ...
2019年8月21日 星期三
In Japan, the abacus is still popular台北珠算課約1965
• 今日圖片:本月在京都舉行的日本全國珠算大賽。直到1970年代,珠算仍是日本小學的主要課程之一。據政府估計,目前日本仍有數万名兒童學習珠算。 (《 紐約時報 》)
In Japan, the abacus is still popular
• 今日圖片:本月在京都舉行的日本全國珠算大賽。直到1970年代,珠算仍是日本小學的主要課程之一。據政府估計,目前日本仍有數万名兒童學習珠算。 (《 紐約時報 》)
In Japan, the abacus is still popular
2019年8月20日 星期二
Princeton University 在 Princeton Pre-read 2015 相簿中新增了 28 張相片 — 與 Tchol Pierre Valentin 和 Robert Vanderbei
The Class of #Princeton2019 is reading "Whistling Vivaldi" for this year's Princeton Pre-read. Read more about it here: http://bit.ly/1DkLcmC. And look who's reading along — in favorite spots across campus.
Stanford University
Incoming freshmen are busy reading three books selected by President John Hennessy. The program is an annual tradition, and this year's selections provide valuable insights about resilience and determination: http://stanford.io/1K8KQAX
2019年8月17日 星期六
香港教育專業人員協會【守護良知 ─ 8.17 教育界遊行】ASIA PACIFIC Hong Kong teachers open another weekend of protests for democracy and rights
Stand News 立場新聞
【守護良知 ─ 8.17 教育界遊行】
教協今天發起「守護下一代,為良知發聲」集會遊行,早上 11 時起在遮集會,11 時半起步遊行往禮賓府。數以千計的市民響應教協呼籲穿上黑衣出席,並高舉印有「良知」大字的標語。
教協指,過去兩個月,香港市民一直反對《逃犯條例》修訂,要求政府回應五大訴求。然而,政府至今仍漠視民意,不單縱容警方濫用武力,更拘捕七百多人,當中不少是學生。為了香港的未來,我們的年青人,教協呼籲教師參與教育界遊行, 表達教育界的聲音。
教育界 8.17 大遊行已獲警方批出不反對通知書 ,教協呼籲所有遊行參加者,以最和平的方式表達訴求。
報料 Telegram:t.me/standnewsreport
報料 Telegram:t.me/standnewsreport
2019年8月8日 星期四
CMU的電腦科學學院Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science:2300學生,270位教師
30 years after CMU founded the nation’s first computer science college, it continues to be ranked #1 in higher ed. Martial Hebert, director of theCarnegie Mellon Robotics Institute - RI, has been named the new dean of the Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science. He is a world-renowned researcher in computer vision and robotics. Hebert will oversee the school’s 270 faculty members of 2,300 of the best students in the country. “The School of Computer Science has never been better positioned to have a real-world impact than it is now.”
Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SCS today[edit]
Organizational units[edit]
- Computer Science Department (CSD)
- Computational Biology Department (CBD)
- Robotics Institute (RI)
- Institute for Software Research (ISR): Its research and education focus is on software systems, which spans not only classical software engineering but also topics such as economics, social and organizational issues, public policy, and privacy. ISR is a distinct entity from the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). SEI is a FFRDC, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense and does not offer educational programs.
- Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII)
- Language Technologies Institute (LTI)
- Machine Learning Department (MLD)
Doctoral programs[edit]
- PhD in Computational Biology (joint with University of Pittsburgh) [2]
- PhD in Computer Science
- PhD in Computer Science/Dual Degree Portugal
- PhD in Computer Science/Neural Basis of Cognition
- PhD in Human-Computer Interaction
- PhD in Language and Information Technologies
- PhD in Language and Information Technologies/Dual Degree Portugal
- PhD in Machine Learning
- PhD in Machine Learning/Neural Basis of Cognition
- PhD in Robotics
- PhD in Robotics/Neural Basis of Cognition
- M.D./PhD in Robotics
- PhD in Societal Computing[3]
- PhD in Software Engineering
- Joint PhD in Statistics & Machine Learning
Wikipedia 的機構RI之資料,
The Robotics Institute (RI) is a division of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. A June 2014 article in Robotics Business Review magazine calls it "the world's best robotics research facility" and a "pacesetter in robotics research and education."[1]
The Robotics Institute focuses on bringing robotics into everyday activities. Its faculty members and graduate students examine a variety of fields, including space robotics, medical robotics, industrial systems, computer vision and artificial intelligence, and they develop a broad array of robotics systems and capabilities.[1]
Established in 1979 by Raj Reddy,[2] the RI was the first robotics department at any U.S. university.[3] In 1988, CMU became the first university in the world offering a Ph.D. in Robotics.
In 2012, the faculty, staff, students and postdocs numbered over 500,[3] and the RI annual budget exceeded $65M,[3] making the RI one of the largest robotics research organizations in the world.[4]
The RI occupies facilities on the Carnegie Mellon main campus as well as in the Lawrenceville and Hazelwood neighborhoods of Pittsburgh, totaling almost 200,000 sq. ft of indoor space and 40 acres of outdoor test facilities.
Major centers[edit]
The National Robotics Engineering Center (NREC) was established in 1996 as the commercial arm of the RI, with the intention of applying robotic technology to commercial and defense applications. It has partnered with more than 300 companies such as General Motors, GE Ventures, Google, Apple and the U.S. military.
In September 2015, the NREC secured a $5.5 million gift from the car transport company, Uber, to support three robotics fellowships and research directed at developing safe, self-driving cars.[5] This donation was made roughly seven months after Uber poached 40 NREC scientists, including its director, Tony Stenz, and other key program leaders, while the two organizations closely collaborated on driverless technologies.[6]
The Field Robotics Center (FRC) has developed a number of significant robots, including Sandstorm and H1ghlander, which finished second and third in the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge, and Boss, which won the 2007 DARPA Grand Challenge.