This image shows the movement of stars around Polaris (the North Star, which remains constant) over a period of about an hour. 100 pictures were taken at regular intervals with long exposure and then combined to get this image. Beautiful shot by Supriya Mishra!
2015年4月30日 星期四
報導法官輕縱 蘋果判賠
報導法官輕縱 蘋果判賠
Three Minute Thesis competition (University of Essex )
Our research students really inspired us at the first ever Three Minute Thesis at Essex. In just 180 seconds each of them showed us how their work might change the world or transform our understanding of it. Find out more:
14小時 ·
14小時 ·
30 April 2015
Research students share their inspiring research at Three Minute Thesis competition
Students from across our University have been sharing their enthusiasm and commitment to their research areas through our firstThree Minute Thesis Competition.
A total of 18 students were selected to speak at the event with the judging panel including leading academics Professor Jonathan Baker, Professor Chris Cooper, Professor Pamela Cox and Professor Karen Hulme.
The amazing diversity of the research being undertaken at the University was celebrated through the competition with presentations ranging from the representation of women in war-themed Bangladeshi films to tackling Parkinson’s Disease and researching how we walk to perfecting self-drive cars .
The winner of the competition was Jon Chamberlain from the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering who explained how marine life research can be transformed by mapping different species through mentions on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
He said: “It has been a great experience and nice to meet my colleagues at the University and hear about their research and share my work.”
The runner-up was Caroline Carey from the Institute for Social and Economic Research who is researching health and inequalities and how socio-economic experiences can influence health outcomes.
Three Minute Thesis Competition from University of Essex on Vimeo.
She said: “It has been really good fun to get to meet lots of other people from the University and learn about the research they are doing. It has also been a great way to practice my presentation skills.”
The students and staff who packed into LTB 2 voted Cheryl Eno-Ibanga from the School of Biological Sciences the Audience Choice winner for her inspiring talk on her research into the structure of the HPeV1 virus and the potential to prevent diseases caused by it.
She said: “It was nice to take part as now I know how to communicate my project more.”
Professor Cooper said: “We were incredibly impressed by the quality of the presentations and really enjoyed them.”
The researcher selected to take part were:
- Fahmida Akhter from the Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies
- Wafaa Alfares from the Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies
- Khattab Ali from the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
- Olayinka Awofolu from the School of Health and Human Sciences
- Paul Baror from the School of Law
- Caroline Carney from the Institute for Social and Economic Research
- Jon Chamberlain from the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
- Harish Cheruvara from the School of Biological Sciences
- Alex Donov from the Department of Economics
- Kim Duffy from the School of Biological Sciences
- Cheryl Eno-Ibanga from the School of Biological Sciences
- Luis Miguel Goncalves de Faria from the Centre of Computational Finance and Economic Agents
- Ekaterine Iakobishvili from the School of Law
- Nikita Jacob from the Department of Economics
- Janchai King from Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust
- Morteza Shirzad from the School of Law
- David Sykes from the School of Law
- Leila Tavallali from the School of Biological Sciences
Congratulations to Jon Chamberlain for winning our Three Minute Thesis competition, Caroline Carey for coming runner-up and Cheryl Eno-Ibanga for taking the audience choice award. You are inspirational!
2015年4月29日 星期三
百年中一中: 五月一日校慶:「吾臺人初無中學,有則自本校始」
since 1915
since 1915
太太說,所謂好學校的高中生,幾乎是只知道讀書,友情較不容易發展。她們班上是學校的唯一理工班(甲組),現在可能2/3在美國。只待大家快退休了,才有人組同學會。中一中校友沈金標(東海建築校友)組中一中 facebook組群,我跟他說,"考慮捐數萬,(甚至於更多);又如果圖書館願收,可再捐千本書。"
我到苗栗訪問老友洪醫師,順便請他轉告中一中校友Mr. Tea,百年中一中,大家應捐錢。他說應該先在苗栗組校友會。
https://www.face數百年臺中一中/7159528...Translate this page1915年成立的台中一中,培育許多優秀名人學子,在中部地區更是指標性的學校, 今年屆滿百年,校方正積極籌備百年校慶,除了以慶典的方式外,校方希望讓外界對於 ...
https://www.face數百年臺中一中/7159528...Translate this page1915年成立的台中一中,培育許多優秀名人學子,在中部地區更是指標性的學校,今年屆滿百年,校方正積極籌備百年校慶,除了以慶典的方式外,校方希望讓外界對於 ...
中一中百年校慶 百日倒數開跑
895至1919年之間,較著名的教育事件是「台中中學校」的成立。1914年(大正3年), 台灣士紳林獻堂等人鑑於國內一般教育僅至「公學校」及「國語學校」的國語部,又都以學習日 語為主。因此結合台灣士紳,希望創辦一所專供台灣人就讀的中等學校。
在林獻堂 的倡導下,除了霧峰林家出資最多以外,台灣各地富賈如辜榮顯(鹿港辜家)、林熊徵 (板橋林家)、顏雲年(基隆顏家)、陳中和(高雄陳家)等人都慷慨捐資。當建校的經費籌措已足, 總督府卻不願讓台灣人創立自己的中等學校,遲遲不核准設校的申請案。
「台中中學校」是日治時期第一所專收台灣人的中等學校(高級中學),即今日「台中一中」的前身。 日治時代,台灣總督府在台灣主要城市設立中學,日本人多就讀「一中」,台灣人則就讀「二中」; 唯獨「台中一中」例外,以台灣學生為主,日本子弟則就讀「台中二中」。
1919年(大正8年)1月4日,總督府首次發布《台灣教育令》,開始較有系統的建立台灣 各級(初級、中級、高級及職業學校)教育系統,但還是採雙軌制,日本籍學生的教育依據日本內地法令, 而台灣人就讀的學校,教育內容仍比日本同級學校程度低,修業年限較短。
這一年,日本首次指派文官背景的田健次郎就任台灣總督。田健總督為因應第一次世界大戰結束後, 世界各地興起的「民族自決」的思潮,統治採取較開明的作風,逐步取消台日教育的隔離 及差別對待。田健治郎任內,致力於公學校的增設,以普及初級教育。
1922年(大正11年),台灣總督府頒布《改正台灣教育令》,實施「台日共學制」, 初級教育仍維持台日隔離教育(公學校、小學校),中等學校以上則採台日共學制。
這樣的措施看來立意雖佳,強調教育平等,台灣人也可報考原本只收日本學生的中等學校,然而由於 中學入學考試都以日文作答,台灣人就讀的「公學校」,教材較日本人的「小學校」程度低, 因此入學考試往往無法與日籍學生競爭。雖然台灣學生在初級學校占了絕大多數,但中等學校及高等學校的 學生卻以日本籍學生占多數。只有以招收台灣人為主的「總督府醫學校」及「師範學校」才有較多的 台籍學生(註3)。
1922年,《改正台灣教育令》實施後,雖然台灣島內的中等學校及高等學校日漸增多, 但由於台籍學生處於升學競爭不利的情況,錄取的學生以日本人為主。因此,不少台灣人只好選擇前往 日本國內升學,形成赴日本升學讀書的管道反而比在台灣參加升學考試還容易的特殊現象。
標題 | 百年中一中 校友來藝起百動 | |
發佈日期 | 2014/10/28 | |
發佈人員 | 校長室秘書 | |
點閱次數 | 762 | |
內容 | 台中一中明年創校百年,校方規畫42場藝文表演、展演活動,邀請師生、校友「藝起百動」,希望透過用藝術穿越百年歷史。 鼓勵學生響應藝文季,同步「藝文集章」,學校景點變成特製圖章,活動地點和景點結合,學生參加滿10場活動,集滿10個學校景點圖章,即可換取中一中百年校慶Q版咖啡隨行杯。 台中一中明年5月邁入創校百年,校長陳木柱說,「藝起百動:藝文季」即日起開始,明年元旦舉辦園遊會作為壓軸,前後2個多月將安排研習、舞蹈及戲劇等展演活動,共42場次。 學務處主任吳曉暢表示,特地安排「夢想舞台」,讓中一中音樂性、藝術性質的社團可以透過申請的機會表演,表演時間每週二下午5點至6點。 陳木柱說,中一中最讓校友津津樂道有2個地方、2個碑,分別是光中庭、校史館;創校紀念碑、毋負今日碑。 | |
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2015年4月28日 星期二
WikiLeaks; Harvard Rules: 《哈佛,誰說了算》
The Harvard CrimsonWhen the website WikiLeaks published a database of emails that were hacked last fall from Sony Pictures Entertainment, communications involving Michael M. Lynton ’82, the company’s chief executive officer and a Harvard Overseer, were made public, offering a rare glimpse into his relationship with top administrators at Harvard.
Harvard Rules: Lawrence Summers and the Battle for the World's Most Powerful University Paperback – November 22, 2005
by Richard Bradley (Author)
It is the richest, most influential, most powerful university in the world, but at the beginning of 2001, Harvard was in crisis. Students complained that a Harvard education had grown mediocre. Professors charged that the university cared more about money than about learning. Harvard may have possessed a $19 billion endowment, but had it lost its soul?
The members of Harvard's governing board knew that they had to act. And so they made a bold pick for Harvard's twenty-seventh president: former Treasury Secretary and intellectual prodigy economist Lawrence Summers.
Although famously brilliant, Summers was a high-stakes gamble. In the 1990s he had crafted American policies to stabilize the global economy, quietly becoming one of the world's most powerful men. But while many admired Summers, his critics called him elitist, imperialist, and arrogant beyond measure.
Today Larry Summers sits atop a university in a state of upheaval, unsure of what it stands for and where it is going. At stake is not just the future of Harvard University but also the way in which Harvard students see the world -- and the manner in which they lead it. Written despite the university's official opposition, Harvard Rules uncovers what really goes on behind Harvard's storied walls -- the politics, sex, ambition, infighting, and intrigue that run rampant within the world's most important university.
It is the richest, most influential, most powerful university in the world, but at the beginning of 2001, Harvard was in crisis. Students complained that a Harvard education had grown mediocre. Professors charged that the university cared more about money than about learning. Harvard may have possessed a $19 billion endowment, but had it lost its soul?
The members of Harvard's governing board knew that they had to act. And so they made a bold pick for Harvard's twenty-seventh president: former Treasury Secretary and intellectual prodigy economist Lawrence Summers.
Although famously brilliant, Summers was a high-stakes gamble. In the 1990s he had crafted American policies to stabilize the global economy, quietly becoming one of the world's most powerful men. But while many admired Summers, his critics called him elitist, imperialist, and arrogant beyond measure.
Today Larry Summers sits atop a university in a state of upheaval, unsure of what it stands for and where it is going. At stake is not just the future of Harvard University but also the way in which Harvard students see the world -- and the manner in which they lead it. Written despite the university's official opposition, Harvard Rules uncovers what really goes on behind Harvard's storied walls -- the politics, sex, ambition, infighting, and intrigue that run rampant within the world's most important university.
From Publishers Weekly
In an attempt to place Harvard's current president, Larry Summers, in historical perspective, this intriguing study explores his policies, leadership style and previous career in reference to other presidents as far back as Charles W. Eliot (president from 1869-1909). Bradley, author of the bestselling American Son: A Portrait of John F. Kennedy, writes with tactful reserve about the backroom intrigues and infighting that have characterized Summer's presidency, always showing both sides of the issues-and the book is no less gripping for it. These struggles, involving such luminaries as Cornel West, Skip Gates, Robert Rubin and Alan Dershowitz, are riveting even when handled with kid gloves. But Bradley addresses much more than simply the contentious start to Summer's tenure at Harvard. On the one hand, he offers an insightful look at how the role of the American university president has changed from a moral and intellectual leader independent of political and corporate power to the administrator of an institution largely dependent on corporate and government largesse for its continued existence. On the other, he places Harvard's development and growth in a larger context, exploring its shifting goals, pedagogy and values in reference to other prestigious American universities such as Princeton, Stanford and Yale, as well as to American society in general. On a whole host of issues-including unionization, civil rights, affirmative action and militarism-Bradley uses events at Harvard to illuminate wider social trends and vice versa. Although Harvard alums will naturally gravitate toward this timely volume, it will also appeal to anyone concerned with the evolving relationship between higher education and American society.
有點像小說,不過還不錯。中文本的所謂索引,根本是笑話。我習慣倒讀,弄了老半天,董事會叫the Corporation
- 作者: (美)理查德·布瑞德利
- 出版社:北京大學出版社
- 出版日期:2014/12/01
- 語言:簡體中文
- 哈佛是世界上最富有、最強大、最具影響力的大學。然而,在2001年初,哈佛卻危機四伏。美國前財政部部長、才華橫溢的勞倫斯?薩默斯就任哈佛第27任校長后,哈佛非但沒有從危機狀態中擺脫出來,甚至還成了權術、金錢、性和權力的戰場……理查德?布瑞德利不顧哈佛校方的反對,憑借自己的智慧、誠實和卓越新聞工作者的職業素養,披露了哈佛百年老牆之內所上演的真實的一幕幕,讓人們了解到在這所全球最重要的大學里權術、性、野心、內訌、陰謀詭計等泛濫成災……
本報記者張慧《 青年參考》( 2015年01月28日18 版)